Our climate impact from transportation

Absolut Vodka is a global brand, 99 percent of our products are exported. This means that a significant portion of our carbon emissions is generated from transportation. We are a relatively small player in a much bigger game, but we’re determined to play our part and we are working on reducing our emissions.

Absolut Vodka is a global brand and 99 percent of our products are exported to around 150 markets across the globe. This means that a significant portion of our carbon emissions is generated from transportation and business-related travel. 70 percent of our products are shipped from Swedish ports, with our annual shipments amounting to around half a regular container ship. But decarbonizing our transportation is challenging as it involves multiple steps and a variety of stakeholders.

So far, we’ve focused on reducing our carbon footprint in where we have greater control. 

We are a relatively small player in a much bigger game, but we’re determined to play our part. So far, we’ve focused on reducing our carbon footprint in where we have greater control. Since 2010, we have worked hard to reduce CO2-emissions from inbound and inter-site logistics, including the delivery of our by-product wet stillage that is used to feed cows and pigs at local farms.

As in every area at The Absolut Company, we work closely with our partners to co-create sustainable solutions.

Some of our achievements so far, include:

  • At least 70 percent of wheat, glass, spirits, stillage, cardboard and caps transportation run on renewable fuels. Our target for 2025 is 90 percent.
  • We Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) filling station for stillage trucks at the distillery since 2014.
  • All transports of products within Sweden run on biodiesel.
  • Since 2008, we have reduced the number of containers used per year by 1000 for approximately the same volume. Each container now contains 28, instead of 22, pallets.