Sustainability Through Long-Time Partnerships

Åhus Åkeri, a transport company operating from Absolut Vodka’s hometown of Åhus, have been providing Absolut Vodka with logistics services since 1974. Andreas Jönsson, owner of Åhus Åkeri, explains how a close partnership has helped to drive a sustainable approach to logistics for both companies.

Åhus Åkeri, a transport company operating from Absolut Vodka’s hometown of Åhus, have been providing Absolut Vodka with logistics services since 1974. Andreas Jönsson, owner of Åhus Åkeri, explains how a close partnership has helped to drive a sustainable approach to logistics for both companies.

How would you characterize the working relationship between Åhus Åkeri and TAC?

“We view it as more than a partnership; we’re very much part of TAC. Being a supplier to TAC feels almost like being at university. We learn new things every day and hopefully, that works both ways.”

Based on TAC’s standards, we’ve made a number of investments in sustainability. They include everything from solar panels and increasing our use of renewable energy, to lighter trailers that use less steel and thus help us decrease fuel consumption. 

How has the close connection helped you improve sustainability?

“Based on TAC’s standards, we’ve made a number of investments in sustainability. They include everything from solar panels and increasing our use of renewable energy, to lighter trailers that use less steel and thus help us decrease fuel consumption. One of the biggest steps we’ve taken is switching to biofuel, which combined with Euro 6 engines can reduce carbon emissions by up to 90 percent.”

How do you view TAC’s approach to sustainability?

“For TAC, sustainability isn’t a nice-to-have – it’s a core value, ingrained into their way of thinking. It’s how they do business and that includes the relationship with each supplier. Working with TAC has pushed us to take our approach to sustainability to a new level, and to think about where we can take our business in the future.”

Working with TAC has pushed us to take our approach to sustainability to a new level, and to think about where we can take our business in the future.