Water consumption from our production

We work hard on reducing our water consumption. Today, we use 5.4 liters of water for every liter of vodka we produce, which is 25 percent less than in 2004.

We work hard on reducing our water consumption. Today, we use 5.4 liters of water for every liter of vodka we produce, which is 25 percent less than in 2004. This reduction comes after years of “water hunting” – a project we concluded in 2020 that aimed at reusing and recycling water in our production.

By 2025, we want to reduce this by a further 20 percent (compared to 2018), and subsequentially achieve water-neutral production by 2030.

We work hard on reducing our water consumption. Today, we use 5.4 liters of water for every liter of vodka we produce, which is 25 percent less than in 2004. 

Part of that process is reducing the volume of water sent to waste-water treatment. In order to do so, we are looking at efficient ways of re-using water while maintaining quality. For instance, nearly half of the water we use is returned to our farms in the form of wet stillage, a by-product of our distillation process that also acts as animal feed.