Responsible drinking is our responsibility
We have never been afraid of pushing boundaries to stand up for what is right – we have an important role to play in reminding people about drinking alcohol in moderation.
We take our role as an ambassador for responsible drinking, and the part it can play in combating the harmful use of alcohol, very seriously. It is why responsible hosting forms part of our core CSR strategy – a strategy that embraces campaigns and programmes that inform both consumers and employees about the risks of excessive drinking.
We love our products. Creating conviviality and being in each other’s company are important to us. It is about setting the right norms around alcohol. We want people to enjoy our products responsibly and stylishly.
Paula Eriksson, VP Corporate Affairs & Communications
Responsible hosting sets the standards for what the company believes is acceptable by encouraging responsible behaviour through advertising and partnerships and collaborations. In recent years, Absolut has run several successful campaigns playing on a “hashtag responsibly” phrase, including #SexResponsibly #LoveResponsibly and #MixResponsibly. Our hashtag ads promote responsible behaviour – that you cannot use alcohol as a tool or an excuse for abuse. For instance, our #MixResponsibly drive was launched post-Covid as social restrictions were eased and people were once again socialising in bars and restaurants. We wanted everyone to be careful and respectful amidst all the enthusiasm of being able to meet up with friends again.
Sweden has one of the lowest numbers of road deaths per capita in the world, and our maternal care is very good. So, we focus our local efforts on preventing under-age drinking. This is where we believe our investment can make a difference.
In collaboration with the Swedish Spirit & Wine Suppliers Association and the Swedish Brewers Association, TAC helps to fund the Prata Om Alkohol (PoA), Talk About Alcohol, programme. This school initiative helps teachers talk to their students about alcohol, and the risks that come with misuse. We also support Fryshuset and its initiative Frysbox youth inclusion project, run by former Swedish martial arts world champion, Pernilla Johansson, which aims to prevent teenagers from drinking alcohol by building their health and self-esteem.

Download the report
This, and more, is from the Sustainability Report for fiscal year 21/22. It’s available on this site, as well as in PDF form if you prefer (27 MB).